Read the article above. It is about a panda called TaiShan from USA moving into the Ya'an Bifeng Gorge Breeding Base of the Wolong Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in china.After i read this article, i felt that mankind are cruel , destroying animals home, seperating them from their families and putting them into research centres.No matter how large the research centre is, the panda would be lonely and miss home.It is the same concept when birds get locked up in a cage. Even if the cage is as big as a bungalo, the bird will still be lonely.Mankind say that they were simply protecting the pandas but i dont think so. Mankind may feed them, may play with them but it was us who destroyed their home.We are the main threat to pandas and the main cause of their near-extinction.Some of us tried to save the pandas but we need full cooperation of everybody to save them.
My question here would be what do you think as a student you could contribute to the saving of the pandas and do you really agree by bringing them to research and protection centres , they are happy and that means that they are saved?Put yourself in the position of the panda. A bunch of hunters came and murder your whole family, you escaped, caught by a kind hearted soul who lock you in the research centre where they claim to have saved you. Even if you are well fed, will you be happy.Actually, looking at the incident from a different perspective.Actually by bringing pandas to research and protection centres is hurting them. You are taking away their ability to hunt for food themsleves.If released into the wild, thye would be useless.Think about this issue and comment please.
PS:pls follow my blog