Maple Story FTW!

LOL! This is my term 3 post 6.
This post is dedicated to those who play mousehunt, maplestory, wolfteam, counterstrike, halo, chaos faction, pokemon, dota?(OK! this few games would be enough to include everyone except for those muggers xD)
What is the point of playing games? Well, i dont know but when i am bored, the first thing i think of is to play games. So what is computer games? A game that is played on computer. Then what does game means. Game is a tool that would arouse one's happiness and is usually undertaken for enjoyment. However, does computer games nowaday make us enjoy it? For example, what is the point of catching mouse in mousehunt? What is the point of level 200 in maple? What is the poin of a kill death ratio of 5.86 in wolfteam? What is the point of killing those aliens in halo? what is the point of destorying you keboard when you lose in counterstrike(crazy german kid)? what is the point of unlocking raging brain character in chaos faction? And what is the point of catching a latios in pokemon? What is the point of me owning sabstien 5:0 in dota? WHAT IS THE POINT? Do you see what i mean? Why do teenagers nowadays play computer games, whats so fun about it? Is it because one is realy childish ? is it because one is seriously very bored and boh liao? Or is it because of peer pressure.
I feel that it is because of peer pressure. For example. Your friend caught a mobster mouse in mousehunt and you want to compete with him thus you will play mousehunt. Your friend is lv 100 in maple but you are only lv 1 thus you will play maplestory. Your friend caught a raquaza in pokemon but you only have a pikachu thats why you will play pokemon. I experienced this feeling in primary school where all my friends talk about maple story in school and i am the odd one out. Thus i begged my mother to let me download maplestory on my computer and she finally agreed. When everyone stopped playing, i stopped too. When i am in 1O2, people would come to boast:" woaH! i got a leprechaun seh! " i would sound my horn in mousehunt everyday to get it and even spent money on the game . However, i felt that it is not worth it. Currently, i started playing maplestory again because exam is over and the rest of the games i play until sian aready xD. I am currently a lv 23 evan with pure int stats and my name is Dungeondrago. Feel free to add me xD
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